Worship Leader Resources!

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Resources for Licensed Worship Leaders

Compiled by Canon Emily Van Hise

1. Morning Prayer, Rite II, An Instructed Service for Worship Leaders (but with the revisions I'd like added - can you do that?). Here's the link to the current document. I have no idea who it is from but I really like it!

2. Lectionarypage.net

Contains links to the readings and collects appointed for use by the Revised Common Lectionary for Sundays and Feast Days with links to readings for Burial and Marriage offices as well as the Daily Office Lectionary and Lesser Feast and Fasts.

3. Venite.app

A uniquely useful app that helps you create a service according to the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer. It contains texts from the BCP, RCL readings, Canticles, Psalms etc. A great resource is you are questioning what is possible or you want to play around with what a full service might look like. We still recommend leading prayers from the BCP in order that you can offer leadership to congregants by way of page numbers, books, etc. 

4. How to sing/chant the psalms/canticles. Written instruction and click and play audio of the psalm and canticle you may use. Check out the drop down menu "Psalms, Hymns, etc." The texts printed on this site are generally from an older version of the Bible not utilized for Worship in the Episcopal Church. Don't let this worry you. Continue to use the Book of Common Prayer and Revised Common Lectionary. But do feel free to take advantage of the musical richness and wisdom of this site. https://canticasacra.org

5. Frequently Asked Questions about Liturgies in The Episcopal Church. Includes what resources are authorized. Links to the BCP and all other approved liturgical resources. Also answers questions on when, how and where you might utilize them. https://www.episcopalcommonprayer.org/faq.html

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